Belfast Celtic 1891 - 1949

Blás agus Bluffer


Tá Cumann 'Ceiltigh Béal Feirste' ag dul in aird le phobal na Gaeilge i mBéal Feirste Thiar.

Rinne BBC Blas, phríomh-clár Gaeilge Raidíó Uladh, craoladh mór le déanaí ar an iarsmallan nua agus ról Celtigh Béal Féirste i creatlach shóisialta na cathrach.


The Belfast Celtic Society has been reaching out to the Irish Language community in West Belfast.

BBC Blás, Radio Ulster's flagship Irish Language programme, recently aired a major feature on the new museum and the role of Belfast Celtic in the social fabric of the city. 

Sean Mac Sheain agus Chrissie Nic Lionsaigh
Thóg gaeilgeoir, Sean Mac Sheain, tuaraisceor Blás, Chrissie Nic Lionsaigh, ar turas timpeall an iarsmallan, ag teaspaint déantáin di agus ag insint a chuimhní pearsanta den Páirc ar bóthar Donegall.

Clicéail anseo chun éisteacht leis an gclár naoi-nóiméad.

Thug comhfhreagraí Gaeilge an 'Irish News', Robert McMillen, cuairt air an iarsmallan le déanaí chomh maith, agus líonaigh sé a gcolún 'Bluffer's Guide' le scéal Ceiltigh Béal Féirste. B'é bhealach neamhghnách agus súimiúl é teanga na Ceiltigh a chur i láthar orthu siúd atá ag foghlaim an teanga dúchas.

Chun an airteagal a fheicéail, cliceáil anseo.

Gaeilgoir Sean Mac Sheain took Blás reporter Chrissie Nic Loinsaigh on a tour of the museum, revealing the histiory behind the artefacts and giving his personal memories of Celtic Park on the Donegall Road.

Click here to listen to the nine-minute programme.

The Irish News's Irish Language Correspondent Robert McMillen also paid a recent visit to the museum and gave over his Bluffer's Guide to feature Belfast Celtic. H
elping make non Gaels proficient in the language of Celtic, the article was a quirky introduction to the new museum for those taking their baby steps in the mother tongue.

To view this article, please click here.